Page 6 - 2024 - Q3 - Minerva in Focus
P. 6


         Headlines                                                              Interesting news
                                                                                from the maritime






          ISWAN has launched its global campaign:   said ISWAN’s Projects and Relationships   inclusive treatment, we felt that opening up
          “Safe at sea…it takes all of us!”, focusing   Manager and Campaign Lead Georgia   a discussion about the benefits of allyship
          on the role that men seafarers can take   Allen.                      and collective responsibility was a more
          as allies in support of women colleagues.   “Although  there  is  a  significant  focus   positive and hopefully effective approach
          In 2023, women were more than three   across maritime to encourage more women   to encouraging widespread awareness of
          times as likely to contact ISWAN’s helplines   seafarers to enter the workforce, which is   these issues and long-term behavioural
          about issues of abuse, bullying, harass-  really positive, as a welfare organisation   change. Let’s create onboard environments
          ment, discrimination, and violence than   we also want to highlight the sector’s re-  where all are safe and all can thrive”.
          men. They were also more than twice as   sponsibility for ensuring the environments   The campaign can be followed on social
          likely to raise a mental health issue.  they are being invited into are safe and   media using the hashtags #CrewAllySHIP
          “Through our helplines SeafarerHelp and   that they will be treated equitably. Rather   and #WeAllBelong.
          YachtCrewHelp, we hear first-hand about   than putting the responsibility on women
          the challenges of being a woman seafarer”   themselves to advocate for their fair and  Source: IUMI

          Global Women                                                          •   The IMO Member State Survey
                                                                                    Member States were invited via a Cir-
          in Maritime Survey 2024                                                   cular Letter to appoint a Survey Focal
                                                                                    Point, who is tasked with collecting
                                                                                    the required information from the dif-
          #DEI                                                                      ferent entities/departments within their
                                                                                    government and filling out the Survey.
          The second global Women in Maritime   and proposing policies that will increase   •   Industry Survey
          Survey is being conducted by the Inter-  the participation of women in maritime.   This Survey is designed to gather in-
          national Maritime Organisation (IMO) and   This helps in promoting a more diverse   formation from companies, non-gov-
          the Women's International Shipping &   and inclusive environment in the maritime   ernmental and intergovernmental
          Trading Association (WISTA Internation-  sector. A report containing the aggregate   organisations, and private maritime
          al). This Survey is run every three years   numbers will be available to all interested   training institutes/academies. The
          to obtain baseline data on the number of   parties via the IMO and WISTA International   individual or department in charge
          women in maritime and ocean fields and   websites.                        of Human Resources or Personnel
          the positions they occupy.         The current Survey will run from September   should fill out the form - and each
          The Survey supports the implementation of   to the end of December 2024. The final   organisation should only take the
          the United Nations Sustainable Develop-  Report will be published in May 2025.  Survey once.
          ment Goals (SDGs) by having comparable   Data gathering for the report is carried out
          data that will assist in creating programmes   via two surveys:       Source: IMO

          6                                                                                 ISSUE 29 / Q3 2024
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