Page 6 - 2024 - Q4 - Minerva in Focus
P. 6


          Letter of

          Appreciation                              Minerva Marine Inc.                                                                                                                                       31 December 2024

                                                  141-143 Vouliagmenis Avenue
                                                  Voula, Athens, 16673 Greece
          On 31 December 2024,                    By email:
          Minerva Marine received
          a Letter of Appreciation                To Whom It May Concern,
          from the UNHCR – The UN                 Appreciation for rescue in the Mediterranean Sea – MINERVA LEO
          Refugee Agency, for the                 On behalf  of the United  Nations High  Commissioner for Refugee Agency (UNHCR),  please accept  our great
          assistance provided on 21               appreciation for your contribution to safeguarding the lives and human rights of persons in distress at sea.
          August 2024 to 57 persons               This recognition stems from the assistance provided on 21 August 2024 to 57 persons in distress in the Greek Search
                                                  and Rescue Region (SRR) by the Oil/Chemical Tanker MINERVA LEO (IMO: 9723289; sailing under the flag of Greece)
          in distress in the Greek                under your responsibility.
          Search and Rescue Region                The 57 individuals departed from Libya and were reported in distress in the eastern part of the Libyan SRR. The boat
          (SRR) by the Oil/Chemical               reportedly drifted into the Greek SRR, where it was located by a Hellenic Coast Guard (HCG) vessel. The HCG vessel,
          Tanker “MINERVA LEO”.                   assisted by the MINERVA LEO, safely rescued and later disembarked the group at Gavdos port, Greece.
          We are extremely proud of               UNHCR commends the MINERVA LEO for this rescue as a testament to the dedication of her Shipmaster and crew
                                                  to selfless service and respect for the fundamental values and principles of the tradition of seafaring to assist those
          the “MINERVA LEO” captain               in distress at sea; principles which  are also  enshrined as  legal duties in the search  and rescue regime under
          and crew, who selflessly                international law.
          responded to the distress               UNHCR recognizes the complexities involved in conducting  rescue operations in the Mediterranean Sea. We
          signal, bringing all 57                 understand that weaknesses in the coordination of search and rescue responses by Mediterranean coastal States
                                                  often leave shipmasters faced with difficult choices. Responding to distress signals and rendering assistance to
          passengers to safety.                   persons in distress at sea are great humanitarian acts and demonstrate a keen sense of responsibility and respect
                                                  for international law.
                                                  We hope that the actions of the MINERVA LEO will be duly recognized and regarded as an example of best practice
                                                  by other private vessels, shipping companies, and the industry more broadly in rescuing and rendering assistance to
                                                  persons in distress at sea, and in ensuring they are not disembarked in Libya.
                                                  Elsewhere, and by way of an express general message to all Shipmasters and crews in the industry, UNHCR would
                                                  like to take the opportunity to highlight that Libya is not a place of safety for the disembarkation of those rescued at
                                                  sea, and urges all vessels involved in search and recuse in the Central Mediterranean Sea not to disembark or
                                                  facilitate the disembarkation of rescued person in Libya.

                                                  To conclude, UNHCR commends the MINERVA LEO for its actions.

                                                     Yours sincerely,
                                                  Vincent Cochetel

                                                  Special Envoy for the Central & Western Mediterranean Situation
                                                  United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
                                                  La Rive Business Centre, Rue du Lac Biwa, Lac 1, PC 1053 Tunis, Tunisia
                                          +41794465544 +21621335965
                                                  International Maritime Organization
                                                  4 Albert Embankment
                                                  London SE1 7SR
                                                  UNITED KINGDOM

                                                  International Chamber of Shipping
                                                  7th Floor, Walsingham House
                                                  35 Seething Lane
                                                  London EC3N 4AH
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