Page 4 - 2024 - Q4 - Minerva in Focus
P. 4
Mr Dimakopoulos, COO of Minerva
Marine, and Mr Stylianos,
HSQ & Marine Manager/DPA ,
Master, Konstantinos Pyrgelakos,
C/E, Alexandros Tsakonas,
rest officers & ratings.
Foreword On behalf of the editorial team, I would like to extend a warm wel-
come to the Q4 2024 edition of Minerva in Focus which I trust our
colleagues and business partners will find interesting and infor-
We are glad to see that our quarterly magazine is well received both
internally and within the wider maritime industry. Minerva in Focus
offers an insight into our activities onboard and ashore and our
company’s projects and initiatives, and follows new developments
in shipping, simultaneously providing a forum for our employees and
business partners to share their ideas and insights. Our magazine
is distributed electronically and in hard copy to all our fleet vessels
and offices and is made available to our business partners.
Out of the many interesting reading materials of this edition, I would
like to make special reference to the sections of the magazine pre-
senting Minerva’s dry docking projects which were completed in
As it is known, dry docking is an essential process for keeping
the validity of a vessel’s certification while also carrying out the
required maintenance and inspection works to ensure safe, reliable,
and efficient operations. A successful dry docking project requires
coordinated efforts from several departments within the Company,
as well as external partners such as shipyards and contractors. In
our Company, the overall responsibility for executing the dry dock-
ing projects lies with the Technical Dept., which has established a
Sokratis Dimakopoulos, dedicated team (the dry docking & projects engineers) to assist
Chief Operating Officer the Responsible Technical Superintendents in this challenging and
complicated task.
2024 was a demanding year as Minerva Marine and Minerva Dry
carried out 27 planned dry dockings (more than 2 projects per
month), an activity that tested the abilities and resources of our per-
sonnel. However, we were glad to point out that all the dry dockings
were carried out in an efficient and safe manner while meeting the
I would like to thank commercial/financial targets set.
This result is a testament to the capabilities, experience, and ex-
everyone involved both pertise of our personnel. I would like to thank all those involved
ashore and onboard both ashore and onboard for their good efforts and determination
in achieving this milestone.
for their good efforts I am sure that you will enjoy reading about these matters along with
and determination the other interesting articles featured in the Q4 2024 Minerva in
Focus. We will be happy to provide more information on any topic
in achieving this you find particularly interesting. We want to thank all of you, onboard
milestone and ashore, for your valuable contributions to this publication. For
any suggestions/feedback, please do not hesitate to contact us at
2 ISSUE 30 / Q4 2024