Page 4 - 2024 - Q3 - Minerva in Focus
P. 4

MINERVA IN FOCUS                                                                           Foreword

                                                                                 Mr Martinos, Managing Director & CEO
                                                                           of Minerva Marine, and Mr Dimakopoulos, COO,
                                                                           with the LNGC "Minerva Limnos" crew at Pachi
                                                                                                  anchorage, Greece
         Foreword                                       On behalf of the editorial team, I would like to extend a warm welcome to

                                                        the Q3 2024 edition of Minerva in Focus, which I trust our colleagues and
                                                        business partners will find interesting and informative.
                                                        We are glad to see that our quarterly magazine is well received both in-
                                                        ternally and within the wider maritime industry. Minerva in Focus offers an
                                                        insight into our activities onboard and ashore and our company’s projects
                                                        and initiatives, and follows new developments in shipping, while simul-
                                                        taneously providing a forum for our employees and business partners to
                                                        share their ideas and insights. Our magazine is distributed electronically
                                                        and in hard copy to all our fleet vessels and offices and is made available
                                                        to our business partners.
                                                        Out of the many interesting reading materials of this edition, I would like to
                                                        make special reference to the sections of the magazine where we present
                                                        MINERVA’s newbuilding programme, which currently consists of ten vessels
                                                        (2 LNG Carriers, 5 Oil Tankers, and 3 Bulk Carriers) – all set to be built in
                                                        high-quality yards in South Korea, China, and Japan, with their delivery
                                                        dates spanning from November 2025 until August 2027. Each of these
         Sokratis Dimakopoulos,                         newbuilding projects is a milestone for our company as we further expand
         Chief Operating Officer                        our footprint in existing segments with state-of-the-art alternatively-fuelled
                                                        vessels. At the same, we are entering a new segment in the dry bulk market
         At Minerva, we closely                         with the addition of our Handymax vessels.
                                                        We are proud that these new vessels embrace advanced design features
         follow all legislative,                        and new technologies to ensure safe, reliable, and efficient operations while
         technological, and                             providing a high-standard working and living environment for our seafarers.
                                                        As we know, the current challenging regulatory regime that is related to the
         market developments                            decarbonisation of shipping, the unpredictable geopolitical crisis, and the
                                                        increasingly competitive business landscape require a cautious yet innovative
         that affect our                                approach when investing in newbuilding vessels. These vessels will have to
         industry, and we                               possess the correct combination of technical and operational characteristics
                                                        to maintain a competitive advantage for several years ahead.
         are confident that                             At Minerva, we closely follow all the legislative, technological, and market
                                                        developments that affect our industry, and we are confident that we will
         we will continue to                            continue to make careful and correct decisions in selecting the type, size,
         make careful and                               propulsion fuel, and price for our newbuilding vessels.
                                                        I am certain that you will enjoy reading about these matters along with the
         correct decisions in                           other interesting articles featured in the Q3 2024 Minerva in Focus. We will
                                                        be happy to provide more information on any topic you find particularly
         selecting the type,                            interesting. We want to thank all of you, onboard and ashore, for your valu-
         size, propulsion fuel,                         able contributions to this publication. For any suggestions/feedback, please
                                                        do not hesitate to contact us at
         and price for our                              As this edition is issued just before the festive season, we would like to
         newbuilding vessels                            take this opportunity to wish all the members of the Minerva seagoing and
                                                        shore “family”, as well as our business partners and other stakeholders, a
                                                        very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2025!

          4                                                                                 ISSUE 29 / Q3 2024
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