Page 3 - 2024 - Q4 - Minerva in Focus
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                                                             2     Foreword

                                                             4     Letter of Appreciation
        Quarterly Edition
        Issue 30 - Q4 2024                                   6     Headlines

                                                             8     2024, a year with a record number
                                                                   of dry docking projects for Minerva
        Minerva Marine Inc.
                                                             10       Behind the scenes of the 27 dry docking projects
        Minerva Dry Inc.

        Minerva Gas Inc.                                     10       Effective teamwork is essential for successful
                                                                      project execution

        141-143 Vouliagmenis Ave.                            14       Open dialogue and exchange of ideas contribute
                                                                      to the success of all dry docking projects
        166 73 Voula, Greece                   16       Operating a vessel in dry dock requires daily coordination,
                                                                      careful planning & monitoring of every task

                                                             18       9 out of the 17 vessels under the supervision of Fleet C
                                                                      have successfully completed their dry docking within 2024
        B2Sea P.C.
                                                             20       Advanced planning along with a contingency plan ensures
        15, Sina street                                               the success of every dry docking project
        106 80 Athens, Greece
                                                             22       The 2024 dry docking projects of Minerva Dry have                                                 deepened our collective knowledge
                                                             24       Understanding the role of the Dry Docking team

                                                             24       Every ship we prepare for its voyage stands as a testament
                                                                      to our dedication
        This magazine is the property of Minerva Marine Inc. The
                                                             26       2024 marked the successful completion of a record number
        content of this magazine is provided by Minerva Marine        of dry docking projects within a single year for Minerva
        Inc. for information sharing and educational purposes
                                                             28       The Procurement Department's role is vital for all
        only. The opinions expressed in the magazine are those of     dry docking projects
        the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of
        Minerva Marine Inc. While Minerva Marine Inc. has taken   30  Stay Safe
        due care and diligence to ensure that all the information
                                                             30       Enhancing bridge visibility
        and material provided herein is to the best of its knowl-
        edge and understanding true, accurate and complete,
        Minerva Marine Inc. makes no representations or war-  32   Health Matters
        ranties of any kind, express or implied, about the com-
                                                             32       Crew health advice: How to quit smoking
        pleteness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability of

        this information and material. Any reliance placed on said   36  The lifesaving power of vaccines
        information is therefore strictly at the reader’s own risk,
        and no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage   38  Our People
        howsoever arising out of or in connection with its use. The
                                                             38       One Company, One Team
        reproduction or distribution of any part of this publication

        in part or as a whole is NOT permitted without the prior   44   Welcome to the Minerva family!

        written consent of Minerva Marine Inc. as all intellectual   46  Awards
        property rights are fully reserved by Minerva Marine Inc.
        This disclaimer shall be governed by and construed in   48  Athina Training Center
        accordance with English law.
                                                             48       Schedule of Seminars & Training Courses
                                                             50    Interesting Fact
                    This product is made of material
                    from well-managed FSC®-certified         52    Food Culture
                    forests and from recycled materials.
          FSC                                                52       How to avoid wasting milk onboard
                                                             56    Quiz Time!

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