Page 51 - 2024 - Q3 - Minerva in Focus
P. 51

MINERVA IN FOCUS                                                                                   Our people

                     How did you feel when you first found          the crew. On the ship, we must protect the machinery
                     out you’d be heading to the polar              and equipment to ensure smooth operations and avoid
                     regions?                                       damages that could cause difficulties. The entire crew
                     When I received the proposal from the company to make   must be equipped with the necessary clothing for low
                     a voyage to the polar region, a feeling of excitement about   temperatures. Proper planning of the ship’s needs is also
                     the unknown came over me. I felt that I had to face a   essential so as not to unnecessarily expose the crew for
                     challenge, something I had never experienced before,   extended periods of time to the extreme cold.
                     and I wanted to make it happen. When you love what you
                     do, you seek new experiences, so this was an amazing  Can you describe what it was like to
                     opportunity to do so.                          witness the polar landscape for the first
                     What were your expectations before             When I travel to a new region for the first time, I always
                     setting off, and how do they compare to        feel a sense of exploration and discovery. In this case, I
                     the reality of being in the polar region?      was able to see and read about the geography of the area.
                     I was lucky enough to have travelled with ships in all sea-  What stood out to me during our voyage in the Barents
                     sons at the edge of the polar region, so I had an idea of   Sea was that the average depth of the sea was around
                     what I would face in terms of weather conditions. What im-  200 meters, which seemed shallow for an ocean.
                     pressed me the most were the sudden changes in weather
                     phenomena, to the point where, in some cases, we could  What role does technology play in
                     not have immediate updates from the weather report.   ensuring safety and communication in
                                                                    such remote areas?
                     How does the polar environment affect          The role of technology is crucial in such regions because
                     your day-to-day routine compared to            it allows for fast communications and a greater volume of
                     more familiar sailing conditions?              information, thus ensuring safety and providing immediate
                     The polar region is an ocean filled with many unpredict-  assistance whenever needed. Instant and accurate updates
                     able dangers, so constant vigilance is required. In this   on the potential dangers in the area, such as icebergs or ice
                     area, you do not encounter other ships sailing, which   thickness, guarantee the ship’s secure passage.
                     creates a sense of insecurity. It is necessary to have
                     continuous communication, and the entire crew must be  What has been your most memorable
                     informed about the ship’s specialised rescue equipment  moment or sight on this polar trip so far?
                     and its proper use.                            There are many memories that have stayed with me. Some-
                                                                    thing that made a great impression on me was the vast
                     How did you adapt to the extreme cold          expanses of land without trees, which was entirely new to
                     and the harsh weather conditions?              me. In areas where there was no ice, the low vegetation
                     The key is proper preparation of both the vessel and   really stood out.
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