Page 28 - 2024 - Q2 - Minerva in Focus
P. 28
MINERVA IN FOCUS Digital innovation in shipping
For the younger generations of seafarers who were
raised with computer games, the new technologies
can make learning interactive and fun, while simulta-
neously instilling specific skills crucial for life at sea.
The immersive experience provided by the use of new
technologies offers real-time training for young cadets
and officers, allowing them to visualise the actual
environment where they will be working and practice
how they can respond to various scenarios while at
sea. Digital training has the power to be truly engag-
ing and immersive. Moreover, research has shown
that immersive technologies can improve information
retention and recall. Given that one of the greatest
challenges of maritime learning is keeping learners
engaged and motivated, virtual and augmented reality
can provide a unique learning experience that is far
more engaging than traditional methods.
New technologies At the Athina Maritime Learning and Development
Center, our wide range of simulators -including bridge,
engine, liquid cargo handling, ECDIS, Ballast Water
in the service Treatment, and Exhaust Gas Treatment simulators
– have contributed significantly to capturing the at-
tention of our officers. These simulators allow us to
of better seafarer train them in a risk-free environment by changing
the initial conditions of the exercise, repeating the
exercises as many times as necessary, introducing
training failures and defects, and enabling troubleshooting,
among many other capabilities. For instance, our
Engine Simulator can use virtual reality to describe
the 3D development of specific engine room systems.
VR hardware equipment, such as Xbox controllers
An article by and headsets with goggles, further enriches this im-
Konstantinos Batsis, mersive experience. Virtual reality typically refers to
C/E, Minerva Marine Inc. a user interface that involves real-time simulation
& Senior Trainer, Athina Training Center and interactions through multiple channels, allowing
users to experience an imaginary (virtual) world as
though it were real.
Digital training will become increasingly important in Paint your way to CII & EEXI
Virtual and augmented reality can provide a unique ensuring the adequate preparation of our seafarers
learning experience that is far more engaging than for the issues they will face in their demanding and
traditional methods busy roles. The anticipated revision of the STCW
Convention and Code is coming at the right time, as
the shipping industry stands on the brink of great, Hull coating is one of single most effi cient ways With its unique silicone-hydrogel Actiguard
unprecedented changes driven by decarbonisation to improve the energy effi ciency of a vessel – technology, you will be able to obtain speed
and digitalisation. and one of the simplest and fastest ways to improvements leading to fuel savings of up
From ancient seafaring to the At the time of writing, a LICOS – LNG Cargo Handling improve your CII rating and maintain it for to 20 per cent over the entire 5-year period
Seminar was taking place at our Training Center, led
emerging digital age, maritime by Capt. Alexandros Sotiropoulos, a Master of Min- years as well as increase the reference speed until next mandatory docking, a very low
training has come a long way. erva Gas and an excellent operator of the Kongsberg for the purpose of EEXI. average speed loss down to 1.2 per cent
From practical training tools such K-Sim LNG Cargo Simulator. and your investment will be paid back in less
During various exercises in the simulator, he noted
as paper charts, sextants, small the different environment/display of the simulator in The Hempaguard range offers you one of the than a year.
diesel engines, real equipment or relation to the IAS dashboards that are available in most high-performing hull coating solutions
hands-on training aboard dedicated Minerva’s LNGCs, as well as some missing parts of available on the market. No matter where and how your vessel travels.
ships, we have gradually progressed the simulator and some weaknesses in the emergen-
cy operations such as the PERC activation. Despite
to prototype ship simulators and having mentioned these differences, he also stated:
now even to full mission simulators “These new technologies might not be exactly the
supported by virtual and augmented same as what we have onboard. However, trained
officers can build the right mentality to carry out the
reality capabilities. cargo operations in a safe and efficient way”.
26 ISSUE 28 / Q2 2024