Page 50 - 2022 - Q2 - Minerva in Focus
P. 50

Brain Exercises                                                                                                    set your

           4 short quizzes                                                                                                   direction

           to keep your mind sharp

                                                                    Quarterly Edition
           Quiz 1                                                   Issue 20 - Q2 2022
           What is the volume of the cube?

           A. 99                                                                                                  
           B. 122                                                   Minerva Marine Inc.
           C. 144
           D. 212                                                   Minerva Dry Inc.
                                                                    Minerva Gas Inc.                                                                                       discover your

                                                                    141-143 Vouliagmenis Ave.                                                                              destination
                                                                    166 73 Voula, Greece
           Quiz 2                                         
           What is the origin of the term "mayday"                  Publisher
           for an emergency radio call?
                                                                    B2Sea P.C.
           A. May Day was considered an unlucky day
           B. It is unknown                                         15, Sina street
           C. From the French phrase "M'aidez" - meaning 'Help me'    106 80 Athens, Greece
           D. From Latin
                                                                                                       fulfill your
           Quiz 3

           Which of the following is not a type of sailing vessel?  Disclaimer

           A. RIB                                                   This magazine is the property of Minerva Marine Inc. The
           B. Sloop                                                 content of this magazine is provided by Minerva Marine Inc. for
           C. Ketch                                                 information sharing and educational purposes only. The opin-
           D. Topper                                                ions expressed in the magazine are those of the author(s) and
                                                                    do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Minerva Marine Inc.
           Quiz 4                                                   While Minerva Marine Inc. has taken due care and diligence to
                                                                    ensure that all the information and material provided herein is
           When was the International Convention                    to the best of its knowledge and understanding true, accurate
                                                                    and complete, Minerva Marine Inc. makes no representations
           on Standards of Training, Certification and              or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the
           Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) first adopted?         completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability of
                                                                    this information and material. Any reliance placed on said in-
           A. 1973                                                  formation is therefore strictly at the reader’s own risk, and no
           B. 1978                                                  responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage howsoever
           C. 1985                                                  arising out of or in connection with its use. The reproduction
           D. 1993                                                  or distribution of any part of this publication in part or as
                                                                    a whole is NOT permitted without the prior written consent
                                                                    of Minerva Marine Inc. as all intellectual property rights are
                                                                    fully reserved by Minerva Marine Inc. This disclaimer shall be
                                                                    governed by and construed in accordance with English law.
                                                          Quiz 4: B
                                                          Quiz 3: A
                                                          Quiz 2: C
                                                                                   Minerva in Focus is printed on FSC®
                                                          Quiz 1:  C
                                                                                   certified paper, that has been harvested
                                                                                   and produced in a responsible manner.                                                                                    
          50 MINERVA IN FOCUS – ISSUE 20 / Q2 2022
                                                                                                                                                                       141-143 Vouliagmenis Avenue, Voula, Athens, 16673, Greece, Phone: +302108907500
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