Page 45 - 2022 - Q2 - Minerva in Focus
P. 45

The Filipino Chicken Adobo Recipe

        What you need                                       Instructions
        As with most traditional recipes, there are many variations to
        Chicken Adobo, sometimes even swapping the chicken for oth-  1.   Place the chicken thighs in a big bowl and add the soy
        er proteins like pork or beef. However, the key to this recipe is   sauce, vinegar, bay leaves, and half the garlic. Mix slightly
        basically the right balance of soy sauce, vinegar, black pepper,   and leave to marinate for at least 20 minutes.
        and sugar, which create a sticky glaze with an incredible depth
        of flavor!                                          2.    Working in batches, if necessary, place the marinated
                                                                  chicken pieces in a cooking pot in a single layer, making
        For 4 servings of this recipe, you will need:             sure not to overcrowd the pot. Cook until well browned on
        •  4 boneless skinless chicken thighs - it is essential that you   one side (6 to 7 minutes), flip them over, and cook until
          specifically use thighs and not substitute with chicken breasts   lightly browned (about 3 minutes). Transfer chicken to a
          since the fat in the thighs is needed to transform the sauce   plate and set aside.
          into a glaze;
        •  1 cup of water                                   3.    Cover the bottom of the hot pot with a thin layer of oil and
        •  1 cup (240 ml) soy sauce                               then add the onion, peppercorns and remaining garlic
        •  1 cup (240 ml) white vinegar                           and cook until the mixture turns a light golden color, for
        •  1 big onion diced into small cubes                     about 30 seconds. Then add the leftover marinade, water,
        •  8 cloves garlic – thinly sliced                        and sugar into the pot, stir slightly and simmer for a few
        •  1 ½ teaspoon whole black peppercorns                   minutes until the mixture is very fragrant.
        •  2 tablespoons sugar – preferably brown
        •  2 whole fresh bay leaves (or 3 whole dried bay leaves)  4.   Lastly, add the chicken back into the pot, reduce the heat
        •  canola oil or other neutral oil                        to low, cover it with a lid and leave it to simmer for about
        •  green onion – optional garnish                         25 minutes, until the chicken is cooked through and ten-
                                                                  der and the sauce turns into a rich sticky glaze. Make sure
                                                                  to turn the chicken pieces halfway through.

                                                            And, done! You can serve it immediately with steamed white rice
                                                            or fried rice on the side garnished with fresh green onion. How-
                                                            ever, Chicken Adobo is improved immensely by being refrigerated
                                                            overnight due to the way cooked vinegar mellows over time.

                                                            Either way, you can enjoy a delicious dish that is the perfect
                                                            example of a fascinating combination of eastern and western
                                                            culinary traditions.

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