Page 28 - 2022 - Q1 - Minerva in Focus
P. 28
SIRE 2.0 REDESIGNING TANKER INSPECTIONS for ship safety and efficiency? ployees. After all, what can be more important UNCERTAINTY
What is the importance of inspections
2nd Engineer Benigno Domingo
structural and operational integrity and, ultimately,
M/V Parapola
preventing marine mishaps. So, the question is,
than human life?
what is the importance of inspections for ship safe-
Chief Officer Angelos Angelopoulos
Effective inspection is an es-
ty and efficiency?
M/T Amphitrite
sential measure to improve
safety and efficiency. Every
chanical failures can result in severe accidents,
ship has equipment failures,
related to ship safety and ef-
but thorough inspections help
ficiency; that is proven by the
risking the lives of the crew and passengers on
fact that an effective inspec-
mitigate the risk of such incidents. Regular main- In day-to-day ship operations, structural and me- Inspections are directly inter-
board, posing a threat to the environment, caus-
tenance and inspections of ship safety equip- ing damage to the ship, and resulting in signifi- tion allows you to be one step
ment are crucial to keeping such equipment cant financial losses. Ship inspections are critical ahead of a possible inconvenient situation in
working efficiently and discovering or predicting for ensuring that the Maritime Labour Convention order not to be “caught by surprise.” Through
equipment failure. Ship safety and efficiency are is followed and that seafarers enjoy good living thorough onboard inspections, we can improve
critical factors in the maritime industry. Improv- and working conditions. Inspections take place a vessel’s readiness for possible third-party
ing ship safety pays off for everyone. to ensure compliance with the requirements of inspections during a stay at port and maintain
the regulatory bodies. They are a form of quality a vessel’s high operational standards as the
2nd Engineer Emmanuel J. Quinto assurance that can include audits that aim to industry nowadays demands.
M/V Sikamia detect errors and failures involving the crew and
machinery. Such errors and failures increase the Chief Officer Byelous Oleksandr
Inspections are of vital impor- danger of injuries and deaths among the crew M/V Sikamia
tance to ship safety and perfor- and passengers, environmental damage and
mance as they ensure that the pollution, damage or total loss of the ship and Inspections are very impor-
machinery and equipment op- its equipment, and disruption of ship operations, tant because they allow us to
erate with maximum efficiency. resulting in operational losses. minimize or eliminate the
They allow the crew to know if there are any abnor- risk of unforeseen emergen-
malities or malfunctions so they can repair and In conclusion, inspections reduce risks and cies, which directly affect
rectify them as soon as possible. Through good increase safety in the workplace and the ship’s ship safety and efficiency.
inspections, testing, and maintenance of operating structure. For one, if the company is complying
machinery and safety equipment, we can elimi- Chief Officer Mandellos Ernestos
nate major problems that cause delays or acci- M/T Minerva Vaso
dents. That can result in increased ship safety and
company and customer satisfaction. Safety inspections are essen- INTO
tial in a workplace, especially
Chief Officer Jescel G. Oquiana if this workplace is a ship. If we
M/V Parapola want to understand why they CONFIDENCE
are necessary, we first need to
Hearing about numerous realize the purpose they fulfill. Firstly, inspec-
workplace mishaps is always tions identify any existing or potential dangers
depressing. Questions emerge and determine their underlying causes. Further-
as to what happened, who is to more, they contribute to ensuring the structural
blame, and whether this could and operational integrity of the ship and pre-
have been averted. For us seafarers, a simple venting maritime accidents. Finally, workplace
mistake can cause a major catastrophe. Of course, inspections help employees and supervisors to
there are many ways to avoid workplace accidents, with the inspection standards, it will avoid a voice their concerns and gain an insightful un-
and the most effective among them is prevention. fine coming from the regulations board (which derstanding of the jobs and tasks of the work-
One form of prevention is inspections. Various will be higher if the company is not complying place. All things considered, inspections are un-
maritime parties, such as shipping corporations, with these standards). Secondly, they increase deniably beneficial for the employees and
flag or port states, classification bodies, and vet- the operators’ financial gains and enhance your employers. The main reason is that the process For the maritime industry, this is more than a moment of change. It’s a time for transformation.
ting or insurance companies, conduct routine ship company’s reputation. A good safety record will guarantees employee safety. All employers val-
inspections. Each party uses distinct practices de- encourage more companies to invest in you ue their employees and want them to remain Never have the decisions it faces been so complex. Nor their consequences ever mattered more.
pending on its position in the construction and as the trust in your company soars. Reiterating safe while working. An accidental injury can also As a trusted voice of the industry, we help decision-makers throughout the maritime world to make
operation phases of a vessel’s life cycle. the above, inspections result in fewer risks be detrimental to the business’s productivity as purposeful and assured choices. From regulatory compliance, next generation fuels, vessel and
and more safety; more safety means increased it means missed days, loss of work, etc. Conse-
On the other hand, different inspection systems productivity, opportunities, and revenue. Finally, quently, some workplaces require more com- operational optimization, to in-depth advice and insight, explore our solutions.
have similar goals, such as ensuring the ship’s they safeguard the health and safety of the em- prehensive inspections than others.
28 MINERVA IN FOCUS – ISSUE 19 / Q1 2022 Learn more: