Page 14 - 2022 - Q2 - Minerva in Focus
P. 14

HEALTH & WELL BEING  Can heavy lifting cause

           an abdominal wall hernia?

           A hernia is a protrusion of an organ or   How are hernias created?
           part of an organ through the wall of the
           cavity that normally contains it. Our in-  A hernia can be congenital or acquired. Congenital hernias are caused by defects in the
           ternal organs are held in place inside   anatomy. Acquired hernias, on the other hand, are formed when there is a loss of ab-
           the abdomen by the abdominal wall,    dominal wall integrity. When the intra-abdominal pressure rises, the abdominal muscles
           a thick layer consisting of muscles,   contract to counter the pressure from within. When the intra-abdominal pressure exceeds
           fascia, and fat. An abdominal hernia is     the abdominal wall pressure, a small rupture is caused at the weakest point, causing a
           a weak spot or hole on that wall.  hernia. In addition, hernias may occur in areas of the abdomen where an operation has
                                              previously been performed (incisional hernias).

                                              With that said, hernias can often occur when the pressure in the abdomen rises. That can
                                              happen when we cough, lift weights or are constipated. Abdominal wall hernias are com-
                                              monly classified by location or etiology (e.g., umbilical/ inguinal/ epigastric/ femoral/
                                              incisional hernias). Inguinal (groin) hernias are the most common among men and quite
                                              common in men who lift weights. A good percentage of these patients must lift weights at
                                              work. Other quite common hernias are epigastric and incisional hernias..
                                              Ηow do I know if I have a hernia?

                                              A hernia can usually be palpated by the patient. The symptoms vary depending on its
                                              size and location. Hernias can be completely asymptomatic; they can present just as a
                                              slight bulge that is barely noticeable or cause a pulling sensation, pain - especially when
                                              straining - and nausea or vomiting if part of the intestines is trapped inside the hernia..

                                              When do I need to see a doctor?

                                              Hernias, in their majority, do not require urgent medical care, but medical advice is always
                                              recommended so that the correct diagnosis is made. However, there are alarming signs
                                              that should not be ignored, suggesting a complicated hernia that might require immedi-
                                              ate medical attention. If a tissue (e.g., part of the small intestines) gets trapped inside the
                                              hernia, it might be strangulated and lose its blood supply. That will subsequently cause
                                              necrosis, which can endanger the patient’s health if left untreated. Such a case would be
                                              a medical emergency. The alarming signs of a hernia are severe continuous pain that is
                                              not relieved, nausea and vomiting that might suggest obstruction, edema of the area and
                                              signs of inflammation.
                                              Treatment and prevention

                                              The only way to treat a hernia is surgery. The surgeon will put the contents of the hernia
                                              back in the abdomen and fix the deficit in the abdominal wall. Depending on the site and
                                              size of the hernia, the surgery could be open, laparoscopic, or robotic.

                                              Hernias can be prevented by maintaining the ideal body weight and a healthy diet with
                                              enough fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to avoid constipation. Lifting weights as part of
                                              your job or exercise routine should always be done carefully. Avoid straining your body with
                                              more weight than you can handle. Avoid rushing and stop if you feel pain or discomfort.
           An overview by                     Always bend your knees and avoid lifting with your waist. Try to warm up before starting
                                              with your heavy duties.
           Konstantinos Giannakopoulos
           MD                                 You should always work (or work out) safely!

          14 MINERVA IN FOCUS – ISSUE 20 / Q2 2022
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