Page 14 - 2021 - Q2 - Minerva in Focus
P. 14


           Psychological Well-being

           at Sea

           A Good Mental Health Guide

           for Seafarers

                                              “Psychological Well-being at Sea” is part of ISWAN’s series of practical guides for seafar-
                                              ers in the maritime industry. This article issued by the International Seafarers’ Welfare
                                              and Assistance Network (ISWAN), a charitable membership organisation that works to
                                              promote and support the welfare of seafarers all over the world. One of their most im-
                                              portant direct welfare services provided to seafarers is their free, 24-hour, multilingual
                                              helpline, ‘SeafarerHelp’. Others include their relief funds for seafarers, range of health
                                              information resources, and ongoing commitment to promoting and increasing aware-
                                              ness around Maritime Mental Health through projects and training.
                                              We all like to be happy! But did you know that psychological well-being is beneficial for
                                              your overall health and can even mean that you live longer?
                                              People who score higher on well-being measures live longer and have a 50% lower
                                              chance of a heart attack or stroke. They make better decisions, have higher work perfor-
                                              mance, take fewer risks, and have a lower risk of accidents or injuries. Paying attention
                                              to your well-being can really make a difference and mean that you can learn how to limit
                                              the risks of working at sea and keep yourself fit, healthy and happy.
                                              The World Health Organisation defines mental health as a “state of well-being in which
                                              every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of
                                              life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or
                                              his community.”

          12  MINERVA IN FOCUS – ISSUE 16 / Q2 2021
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